Whitepaper: Build client websites with Jamstack
Are you still using a monolithic web architecture for your client projects? Learn how moving to the Jamstack can save you time and trouble and increase your project success.
Included in the whitepaper
Common issues when working with conventional web architectures and CMS
Most of the conventional CMS-based websites use the LAMP-Stack, and acronym for Linux as the operating system, Apache as the webserver technology, MySQL for databases and PHP as the programming language. The key bottleneck of this setup is the database, where content like images and text are stored. Everytime a user request is send to the webserver many database queries and results are passed trough a multi layered system - before the user receives a first response. This causes long load times, high resource consumption and limited scalability. While the race for good rankings is becoming tougher and tougher, these disadvantages can get you behind competition. In addition, CMS and their plugins need to be updated regularly to avoid security vulnarabilites resulting in never ending maintenance of client projects.
To a better architecture with prerendering and decoupling
The two key priciples of the Jamstack are prerendering and decoupling. Prerendering means that processing time is moved from the user's request times to the editor's build time. Every time content or code changes static website files are re-rendered. Thus, an up-to-date version of the website is allways ready for delivery. Decoupling refers to the approach of integrating dynamic functionalities by connecting to APIs from client side JavaScript. This enables to outsource tasks to specialized (third party) microservices.
Key advantages of the Jamstack for agencies
As a result, Jamstack websites can be up to 10 times faster, more secure and cheaper to scale. You can give your client a meaningful competitive advantage by choosing a leaner web architecture. You no longer need to worry about increasing maitenance overhead and scaling bills. And as a side effect, Jamstack works with the most modern web frameworks, which makes your agency more attractive to young talents.
Setup a Jamstack client project in a few easy steps
- Choose the right framework from various static site generators
- If not allready available, set up a Git tooling for your developers
- Look for a third party sample repository to start faster
- Connect your repository to Deploy Now
- Develop your site further using Staging Deployments
- Merge changes to your production branch
- Connect your domain and go live
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