GitHub integration

Deploy Now builds your project in a GitHub Actions workflow and deploys results instantly to IONOS infrastructure. Repositories can be public or private and owned by personal accounts or GitHub organizations.

UserGitHubGitHub ActionsIONOSedit and commit1push2on push3build4deploy5UserGitHubGitHub ActionsIONOS

Interactions between GitHub and Deploy Now are managed by the IONOS Deploy Now App, which requires read access to actions and metadata as well as write access to administration, secrets, code and workflows. The available GitHub Actions build time of private repositories depends on your personal GitHub plan.

Workflow versions

The workflow version used depends on your project creation date.

v1 (projects created until 11/2022)

A GitHub Actions workflow in .github/workflows/deploy-now.yaml runs the entire build and deployment. This workflow exists per branch to enable Staging Deployments.

run build
install dependencies
generate .env/.htaccess
checkout repository
fetch project data

.env/.htaccess files are generated from .env.template/.htaccess.template files in .deploy-now. Files can be excluded from deployments in .deploy-now/config.yaml.

v2 (projects created from 11/2022)

An orchestration workflow in .github/workflows/[project-name]-orchestration.yaml runs the build steps specified in .github/workflows/[project-name]-build.yaml and triggers .github/workflows/deploy-to-ionos.yaml for the deployment. This decoupled set up enables Multi Deployments in addition to Staging Deployments.

deploy to deployment 1
deploy to deployment 2
deploy to deployment 3
check readiness
trigger deployment
run build
install dependencies
generate .env/.htaccess

.env/.htaccess files are generated from .env.template/.htaccess.template files in .deploy-now/[project-name]. Files can be excluded from deployments in .deploy-now/[project-name]/config.yaml.