Apache configuration: .htaccess

Deploy Now uses Apache HTTPD server in a shared infrastructure environment. As a result users do not have rights to edit the main server configuration file on there own. However you can define your own configuration via .htaccess.


Script limit settings such as post_max_size and upload_max_filesize can be adjusted by deploying a php.ini to the document root. The memory_limit and the max_execution time are already set to the maximum that is provided in your project package.


A .htaccess file is a common way to make configuration changes on per-directory basis. A .htaccess file can have multiple configuration directives at once. All configuration directives applies to the directory in which the .htaccess file resides and all subdirectories. It's good to know that each directory can define it's one .htaccess file. Directives are applied in the order that they are found. A directive found high up in the directory tree can override all directives found before or even defined by the Apache main configuration itself.

Redirects and Rewrites

A redirect or forward directive instructs the client to switch URLs and navigate to the destination of the directive. The class of 3xx - HTTP status codes indicates such redirects. This means that the client must take an additional action to complete the request. Your browser perform this action automatically and you can notice this by a change to the new URL of the directive in your browser bar. Redirects are often used to redirect an old path to a new one or make content available under more than one URL.

In contrast, a rewrite directive instructs the server to serve the content of the directive destination at the original URL. The browser won't notice anything of this directive. This kind of technique grew in popularity for client-side routing in Single Page Applications (SPAs) where all requests are handled via index.html. You will need the following directives to get your SPA up and running.

Note: You find more sample snippets for redirects or rewrites here and you can use our .htaccess sample as playground.


Choosing the right configuration can be a great booster for web security and the good news is, it's much easier as you probably think. The following paragraph should give you some ideas and further links.

HTTP Security Headers

HTTP Security Headers are a subset of HTTP headers and are exchanged between a web client and a server to specify the security-related details of HTTP communication. Some HTTP headers that are indirectly related to privacy and security can also be considered HTTP security headers. By enabling suitable headers in web applications and web server settings, you can prevent security vulnerabilities like Cross-Site Scripting, Clickjacking, Information disclosure and much more.

The OWASP foundation is an online community that provides a lot of freely-available security information about web application security. The OWASP HTTP Security Response Headers Cheat Sheet gives you a brief overview of all security-related HTTP headers.

Note: With our live .htaccess demo you can easily notice the difference in getting a security summary A+ or F.

Best practices

Not all best practices are necessary at any time. The simple answer is: „It depends …“. Some of them are almost universal and some depend on your individual use case. Here comes the list of the almost universal rules:

  1. Force HTTPS - Good news: "Deploy Now does this by default and allows HTTPS only."
  2. Deny access to hidden files and directories:

     # check that mod_rewrite is enabled
     <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
         # enable the runtime rewrite engine    
         RewriteEngine on
         # raise a 404 error to give attackers no clue
         RedirectMatch 404 /\..*$
  3. Disable directory browsing:

    Options All -Indexes
  4. Disable ETag:

    # check that mod_headers is enabled
    <IfModule mod_headers.c>
         Header unset ETag
    FileETag None

    The ETag header allows browsers to do conditional cache validation. However, it poses security risks in case it gets leaked by your code, and result in cache poisoning attack on your website

Note: You can find other directives here and you can use our .htaccess sample as playground.

Password protection

Password protection via basic authentication is technical possible. But the reference path to your AuthUserFile needs to be absolute. This information isn't public available in Deploy Now at the moment. We will provide a solution soon.


Your web project can get a speed boost by enabling the right server settings.

Enable compression

Enable gzip and brotli compression for *.html, *.css, *.js files:

# check that mod_headers is enabled
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
    # enable the runtime rewrite engine
    RewriteEngine On

    RewriteCond "%{HTTP:Accept-encoding}" "br"
    RewriteCond "%{REQUEST_FILENAME}.br" -s
    RewriteRule "^(.*)\.(html|css|js)$" "/$1.$2.br" [QSA]

    RewriteRule "\.html\.br$" "-" [T=text/html,E=no-brotli:1,E=no-gzip:1]
    RewriteRule "\.css\.br$" "-" [T=text/css,E=no-brotli:1,E=no-gzip:1]
    RewriteRule "\.js\.br$" "-" [T=text/javascript,E=no-brotli:1,E=no-gzip:1]

    <FilesMatch "(\.html\.br|\.js\.br|\.css\.br)$">
      Header append Content-Encoding br
      Header append Vary Accept-Encoding

    RewriteCond "%{HTTP:Accept-encoding}" "gzip"
    RewriteCond "%{REQUEST_FILENAME}.gz" -s
    RewriteRule "^(.*)\.(html|css|js)$" "/$1.$2.gz" [QSA]

    RewriteRule "\.html\.gz$" "-" [T=text/html,E=no-brotli:1,E=no-gzip:1]
    RewriteRule "\.css\.gz$" "-" [T=text/css,E=no-brotli:1,E=no-gzip:1]
    RewriteRule "\.js\.gz$" "-" [T=text/javascript,E=no-brotli:1,E=no-gzip:1]

    <FilesMatch "(\.html\.gz|\.js\.gz|\.css\.gz)$">
      Header append Content-Encoding gzip
      Header append Vary Accept-Encoding

# check that mod_deflate is enabled
<IfModule mod_deflate.c>
    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css \
                                  text/html \
                                  text/plain \
                                  text/xml \
                                  application/javascript \
                                  application/json \                                      


A collection of some common problems with .htaccess files.

.htaccess is not working

  1. First of all check that your .htaccess file is transferred. In order to do that you can lookup your latest Deploy Now workflow in GitHub Actions and view the output of your deployment. Alternatively the Deployment Viewer give you a view into your current deployment.
  2. Just to be sure please verify that your file is named exactly in this way: .htaccess


The character encoding should be specified for every HTML page.

    <meta charset="UTF-8">

Otherwise you have to reckon that the server default is ISO-8859-1 according to HTTP/1.1. Just to be sure you should add UTF8 as default charset:

<filesMatch "\.(html|css|js)$">
    AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

Additional frameworks directives

Some frameworks need additional directives by default. Following you find a list of commonly used frameworks with helpful directives.

Templating .htaccess

Deploy Now offers a .htaccess templating for your deployment base directory. This is especially useful if your deployment build results in a subfolder structure which is located relative to your deployment base directory. In this case .deploy-now/project-name/.htaccess.template ensures directives that still apply to all levels. The file itself works just like a normal .htaccess file and is simply copied to your deployment base directory. More information about file templating can be found here.

Single Page Apps like Angular, ReactJS, Vue.js

With Single Page Apps (SPAs) client-side routing has become very popular. Client side routing is a type of routing where as the user navigates around the SPA no full page reload takes place. That's even the case when the page URL changes. Instead, JavaScript is used to update the URL and fetch and display new content. For that reason you need to ensure that your URLs will reach your router. Usually this is done by redirecting all requests to the entry point of your SPA:

# check that mod_negotiation is enabled
<IfModule mod_negotiation.c>
    # diable MultiViews to prevent the Apache behavior of indexing a directory
    Options -MultiViews

# check that mod_rewrite is enabled
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    # enable the runtime rewrite engine
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /

    # stop processing any other rule set if index.html is requested
    RewriteRule ^index\.html$ - [L]

    # route everything else to /index.html
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.html [L]


Nuxt v3 introduces Native ES Modules. The mime type *.mjs is not that popular so far. At the moment you have to add the mime type on your own.

# check that mod_mime is enabled
<IfModule mod_mime.c>
    # add support for ECMAScript modules
    AddType text/javascript js mjs


In Laravel the entry point for all incoming requests is ìndex.php located in the /public directory. You need to adapt this entry point by redirecting all requests to this folder structure:

# check that mod_rewrite is enabled
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    # enable the runtime rewrite engine
    RewriteEngine On

    # serve existing files from /public folder as if they were in your base directory
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !public/
    RewriteRule (.*) /public/$1 [L]

    # route everything else to /public/index.php
    RewriteRule ^ /public/index.php [L]

Need help?

Feel free to reach out to us via deploynow-support@ionos.com.